About Kyushu TLO Company, Limited
Kyushu TLO Company, Limited is a specific affiliate of Kyushu University that was established in January 2000 and was authorized as TLO in April of the same year. We are actively developing various business projects that result from the industry-university- government collaboration, as well as taking care of the multi-faceted needs associated with technology transfer. Our corporate philosophy is “industry-university collaboration based on the principles of co-operation and co-creation”, “creation of new projects and new industries by utilizing the intellectual resources of the University”, and “contribution to resolving the issues of the industries and local communities”.Based on the above, we contribute to the development of our clients (national and local governments, industries, and others) as a hub of the industry-university-government collaboration ecosystem.
Development of the industry-university-government collaboration projects that utilizes "the intelligence" of the University
Our aim is to return the profits of “the intelligence” created at Kyushu University back to society. We bridge between the University, the industry and the local region by providing various services through organically combining our 3 business pillars of “Business for Knowledge Distribution (Licensing Business)”, “Business for Expanding Industry-University Collaboration (Creation of New Businesses and New Industries)” and “Supporting Businesses for Regional Industries (Contribution to Resolving Regional Issues)”.

A hub of the industry-university-government collaboration ecosystem
For the advancement of industry-university-government collaboration projects, there is a necessity to construct an “industry-university-government collaboration ecosystem “. This is an environment in which multiple stakeholders cooperate in partnerships, where they utilize each other’s knowledge, technologies and resources beyond the frameworks of industries and across national borders, for a prosperous coexistence.We take the role as a hub of the industry-university-government collaboration.

Greetings from the President

In response to the Law for Promoting University-Industry Technology Transfer (1998), Kyushu TLO Company, Limited was established on January 7th 2000, as the Kyushu University-affiliated TLO (Technology Licensing Organization: an organization that transfers technology of the research results of the university to the industry) with the investment of 334 then professors of Kyushu University and the support of local businesses. Kyushu University has seen the establishment of Intellectual Property Management Center of Kyushu University on October 1st 2003 (now University-Industry-Government Collaboration Management Center of Kyushu University) and of the partial privatization of the national universities being incorporated as a “national university corporation”.
We, together with Kyushu University, have since then played the role of a hub for the University, the region, the society and the local industry as a commercialization organization for technology transfer of the intellectual property of the University as well as for social collaboration.
We hope to further promote the development of the industry-university-government collaboration projects that utilizes "the intelligence" of the University, to commercialize the industry-university-government collaboration, to widen the business area that includes overseas countries, as a hub of the industry-university-government collaboration ecosystem that is relied on by the society.
CEO, Makoto Maeda